Skin Flooding for Glass Skin

Jul 31, 2024

The Hydration Revolution of Glass Skin: What is Skin Flooding?

The name of this trending skincare technique says it all: hydrate, hydrate, hydrate. Skin flooding involves layering skincare products in a specific order to achieve deep, long-lasting hydration. The core components of this routine are a cleanser, toner, serum, and moisturizer, with the serum playing a pivotal role.

The Benefits of Skin Flooding

Well-hydrated, or "flooded," skin offers numerous benefits, including increased hydration, enhanced radiance, and a smoother, softer texture.

Boosts Hydration

The primary advantage of skin flooding is hydration. Using a serum or moisturizer containing a moisture-binding humectant provides an instant surge of moisture. Applying additional layers helps seal in this moisture, resulting in skin that feels and looks thoroughly hydrated. “Adding moisture to your skin supports overall hydration,” explains Starr.

Supports the Skin Barrier

Skin flooding also helps support the skin barrier, the outermost layer of the skin that protects against water loss and harmful pollutants. A compromised barrier can lead to dryness, irritation, and premature aging. The hydration boost from skin flooding replenishes moisture and reinforces this protective barrier.

Enhances Skin Radiance

Dry or dehydrated skin often appears dull. Adding layers of hydration can restore a healthy, radiant glow. “Moisturizers are designed to enhance skin hydration, and when skin is hydrated, it tends to look more radiant,” says Starr.

Promotes Plumper-Looking Skin

Dehydrated skin can lose its plumpness and elasticity. Think of a water-filled balloon that looks full and firm; when it loses water, it becomes deflated. Adding moisture back into the skin can restore its plumpness, giving it a more youthful appearance.

Suitable for All Skin Types?

Skin flooding can benefit all skin types, though it's particularly advantageous for those with dull, dry, or dehydrated skin. Sensitive skin can also gain from the increased moisture, which supports the skin barrier. Even oily skin can benefit from skin flooding, though this skin type might limit the routine to once or twice a week.


How to Practice Skin Flooding

Skin flooding is a straightforward process focused on achieving maximum hydration. Here’s a simple step-by-step guide:

  1. Cleanse: Start with a cleanser or scrub. Our choice is MORNING COFFEE.
  2. Tone: Follow up with a toner to prep your skin for better absorption of subsequent products. We recommend the rice milk toner from ‘im from’
  3. First Serum: Introduce a humectant like hyaluronic acid, which can hold many times its weight in water. Our favorite is DAY DRIN-C.
  4. Second Serum (Optional): We like to add in SKIN COAT.THis helps aid the appearance of lines and wrinkles and revive the skin's youthful bounce.
  5. Moisturise: Finish with a moisturiser. This is where we use DAY HYDRATE. Boosts the skin’s moisture barrier, and enhances radiance. It's suitable for all skin types, including oily skin.

Incorporating a toner into your skin flooding routine ensures that your skin is fully prepped to absorb all the hydrating goodness from your serums and moisturizer, maximizing the benefits of this technique for a radiant and hydrated complexion.

Skin flooding is a versatile and effective technique to achieve deeply hydrated, radiant, and healthy-looking skin. Whether you have dry, sensitive, or oily skin, incorporating this trend into your routine can bring noticeable benefits.